Caring for the Caregiver Resources
Services and supports for families impacted by dementia.
Need Help?
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the resources provided by our program.
For more information, please contact: Veronica Martinez at 210-567-5831
Educational Programs

The Essentials of Caregiving Classes
The Essentials of Caregiving are classes focused on providing support to caregivers of people living with Alzheimer’s or related dementias. You can visit our event page to see when our next Essentials of Caregiving class will be held. Topics covered include but are not limited to: “Understanding a diagnosis of dementia“, “What to expect after a diagnosis“, and “Legal and financial planning“.

Learning Skills Together
The Learning Skills Together Workshops are provided for caregivers to learn practical skills and receive hands-on training in transfer techniques, home safety, dental hygiene, nutrition, and medication management. Please visit our event page to learn when our next caregiver skills training workshops will be held or contact UTcaregivers@UTHealthSA.org.

Virtual Dementia Tour
We are proud to provide the Second Wind Dreams® Virtual Dementia Tour®. This experience creates “a window into the world of dementia through individualized, experiential learning”. This evidence-based method aims to foster a deeper understanding of dementia and those living with the disease. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about this program.
Enrichment and Engagement Programs

Memory Cafes
Memory cafés are a safe virtual space for people living with dementia and family caregivers to laugh, learn, and socialize. We host them online monthly and in-person quarterly. We are founding members of the Texas Memory Cafe Network, a partnership of Memory Cafe coordinators and guests who work together to enhance the quality and quantity of Memory Cafes in Texas.

Caregiver Reassurance Program
UT Health San Antonio students are paired with family caregivers to connect via phone over a period of 3-6 months. Students learn first-hand from the experiences of family caregivers which can inform their practice as health care professionals. Family caregivers can socialize with compassionate, ‘dementia friends’ certified students. All students are trained to support caregivers in finding resources they may need.

Grace Notes Community SIngers
Grace Notes Community Singers is for people living with dementia and their families. Grace Notes is facilitated by a Board Certified Music Therapist who specializes in supporting persons and families impacted by dementia. No experience is necessary to participate in the Grace Notes Community Singers. They meet weekly in a hybrid format to allow participants to join from home or in-person for each session. This program was founded by the Caring for the Caregiver program and sustained through a partnership between Oak Song Music Therapy, Meals on Wheels, and Morningside Ministries.
To join, contact Amy Standridge at amy@oaksongmusictherapy.com, (512) 567-1432 or (210) 692-4259.

Community Partnerships
Our team supports caregivers across South Texas by providing presentations, engagement, and education in our community and surrounding regions.