Loneliness, Alzheimer’s and the need for a national conversation [TEDx]
Recently Susan Frick, MSW, LSW with the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center gave a TEDx talk on Loneliness and Alzheimer’s Disease. Susan graduated from Elmhurst University in 1985, received her master’s degree in Social Work from Loyola University of Chicago, and has worked in the field of Alzheimer’s disease since 1987.
This video feels more timely than ever given the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our lives and social connectedness. The Caring for the Caregiver program recently conducted interviews and surveys to learn from families impacted by dementia how the pandemic affected their lives. Keep an eye out for upcoming publications about the impact it had from the perspectives of persons living with dementia, family caregivers, and social/health professionals in dementia care.
For more information on Dementia Friendly and Dementia Friendly San Antonio visit our website.
Picture-Copyright Credit: Without Warning