Our Stories
🖱️ Encuesta rápida para cuidadores/Quick survey for caregivers
Nuestro equipo está haciendo un estudio para desarrollar una nueva medida de demencia desde la perspectiva de los cuidadores: la medida de resultado “CAregiver REported and weighted Dementia”, por sus siglas en ĂŤngles (CARED). Los cuidadores que brindan apoyo a un amigo, pareja o familiar viviendo con la enfermedad de Alzheimer o otra forma de […]
🖌️ [Dec 17] ReCollections: Art Conversations to Stimulate the Mind (Family Photos)
Whether they be simple snapshots or elaborate studio portraits, pictures are an important way that we remember and celebrate the people (or pets!) closest to us. Bring a favorite photo of family or friends with you to this session of ReCollections. We hope you’ll share the stories of these everyday works of art. ReCollections represents […]
đź’» New program & study for Latino/a family caregivers
Families take on complex tasks to care for a family member living with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other form of dementia. Most often they do not receive training to take on this care and it is often learned by trial and error. This study is being conducted to test the effectiveness of Juntos/Together, […]